Which Way …

The balance between being kind and assertive while respecting your own limitations and priorities.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re torn between being kind and saying no to a request because you need to prioritize your own limitations and commitments? Is it more appropriate to yield to others’ wishes to avoid being seen negatively, or to assert your rights to protect your boundaries and prioritize your limitations?

From a spiritual standpoint, the foundation should be sacrificial love—loving one another unconditionally and serving people with compassion. On a psychological basis, the foundation should be establishing healthy boundaries, practicing assertiveness, and prioritizing self-care to maintain emotional well-being. Among these two basis, what should be the fundamental criteria for being considered human and good? If refusing, asserting our boundaries, and prioritizing self-care are labeled as selfish, then agreeing and compliance perhaps are described as self-sacrificing or accommodating, we are good human then. How about this- we agree outwardly but feeling burdened internally, we feel conflicted, it’s not right. For this can lead to stress, resentment, and ultimately, negative consequences for our mental health and relationships.

So which is which?  Which option is the most beneficial: prioritizing actions based on spiritual principles or focusing on psychological well-being? This is a dilemma that many of us might encounter at some point in our lives, wherein a situation where we must choose between two conflicting options, both of which have their own merits and implications. This is something to think about… I need to think about .. a personal dilemma I am grappling with these days.



Exploring the Contrast: Goodness vs. Kindness

Let’s explore the idea of goodness versus kindness. Is there any differences between this two?

A good person involves possessing behaviors, such as honesty, integrity, empathy, respect, and fairness, adhering to moral and ethical principles, with a focus on doing the right thing in both actions and intentions.

Kindness, on the other hand, is a specific behavior that reflects compassion and empathy towards others. It involves treating others with warmth, consideration, and generosity. Kindness can be expressed through small acts of goodwill, such as helping someone in need, offering a kind word, or showing empathy towards others’ struggles.

If we analyze it closely, there are differences between the two.
Being a good person goes beyond just being kind. It encompasses a broader set of values and virtues that guide one’s overall character and behavior.

I want to share an experience, 20 years ago, when we moved here where we live now. I had my first job. Everything is different compared to the province when it comes to lifestyles, characters and work attitudes. When you live in a big city, behaviors are a bit more aggressive and assertive due to the fast pace of life, I think. As someone from the province, I was more quiet and humble in such ways. I experienced bullying, which I thought only happened in elementary, highschool or college, but even in the workplace among professionals, it occurred as well. I won’t go into further details, but it really affected me emotionally. No retaliation on my part, it’s not my nature, but I wish I had been more assertive. The emotional impact was intense. It turns out, age doesn’t shield you from feeling down. I remained kind, but it didn’t help me feel better. This is the downside of kindness -being vulnerable to exploitation by others. Lack of assertiveness-we prioritize avoiding conflict or displeasing others over expressing our own needs or opinions, resulting in difficulties standing up for oneself. Another downside is expecting others to reciprocate in the same manner, although not everyone may have the same level of kindness. Lastly, excessive kindness leads to losing boundaries, causing others to lose respect for you.

Here, I see the big difference between being nice and being truly good. One can be nice without being genuinely good. What should we focus on developing? Goodness, which includes morals like RESPECT, EMPATHY, INTEGRITY, AND FAIRNESS. A good person aims to do what’s right, not just in actions but also in thoughts and intentions. This naturally leads to kindness which is always guided by morals and values. But being a good person can be challenging at times because it often requires making sacrifices, overcoming selfish desires, and constantly striving to do what’s right, even when it’s not easy and when you need to make choices in difficult situations and navigate complex relationships with those around us.



What should comes first ,”Thinking or Feeling?”

In our daily lives, we revolve around what’s happening. We dissect them, leading to decisions. We think, reflect, weigh the pros and cons, then suddenly our feelings come into play, unconsciously dictating, whispering “what if” and “but.” Should we listen to them? 

Often, our decisions are swayed by preferences,  what we like or dislike causing our rationality to fade as our emotions take the lead, shaping our lives. We are drawn to what may be harmful while shying away from what could be beneficial. Rather than prioritizing what is objectively true and good, we justify our choices based on this personal likes and dislikes. We opt for what’s more enjoyable, enticing, and resonates with us because that’s what we feel, although sometimes it can have negative consequences on the flip side.

Some instances- 

*As we grow older, we often find ourselves needing to follow a strict diet to improve our health, but when temptations wave, ouch! We pass by a resto with our favorite pasta, we will start to crave, finding ourselves justifying giving in to our desires, ignoring the rationality of sticking to our diet plan, we may often say, ” Just this once, I don’t want to deprive myself forever. After all, we only live once, whatever happens let it be.”.  What happens now? Our feelings take our intellect hostage, we find ourselves  now inside the resto enjoying the meal.

*Another scenario, in a relationship,  we’ve been friends with someone for over a decade, sharing countless memories and experiences together. However, recently we’ve noticed some troubling behavior patterns, it no longer resonates our values anymore. We find ourselves torn between the years of friendship we’ve built, but moving forward together doesn’t seem feasible anymore. Our feelings dictates over our intellect  what should be done.

God gave us intellect to contemplate things over our emotions, to make decisions, to assess. Just like in the story of Adam and Eve, Eve was tempted to eat the apple; she succumbed to her desires instead of following God’s instructions. As human,  it’s common for our emotions to overshadow our intellect, leading us to prioritize feelings over rationality. It’s a common human dilemma. We all just simply need  God’s guidance to navigate through all our emotions for us to think what’s right.

~ Nodz



I came across someone’s quote that resonated with me: “Choosing not to speak to someone after forgiving them silently is a form of self-care.” It made me reflect on my own realizations.

If we directly analyze this phrase, it holds true for some of us, INCLUDING MYSELF, honestly. If we aim to establish boundaries and distance ourselves from those who have caused us pain, and for what reasons, such as to heal, move forward, and let go of everything, including that individual, this is the approach we take for self-care, as we perceive it. But is avoidance truly an act of self-care? If we consider it from another perspective, that strategy won’t prove effective. The most unpleasant memories in our lives don’t simply vanish from our minds, especially when they have inflicted significant pain and involve another person. They persist, catching us off guard when we least expect it. We refer to this phenomenon as a flashback, a recurring presence that will continue to haunt us indefinitely.

Without our awareness, we may not have truly forgiven them, despite what we may have believed. Choosing not to engage with them serves as a form of avoidance, offering only temporary peace. There will inevitably come a day when we unexpectedly face them. What will we do then? The past will stir within us once more, despite our efforts to establish boundaries, and we’ll find ourselves reliving the pain, perhaps even more intensely, realizing it has morphed into resentment. Each day brings new realizations in our lives, fostering personal growth, particularly as we seek guidance from  God. Spiritually, we nourish ourselves each day, we will be guided.

Let’s rephrase the quote –

Forgiving people with an open heart, being willing to address and discuss issues if given the opportunity, is the best form of self-care. This way, peace isn’t just temporary but lasts a lifetime.



Emotions Over Intellect

When emotions clash with our intellect, it becomes confusing. It’s  my routine every morning to listen to a podcast, focusing on God’s verses and teachings to guide me throughout the day and meditations. Without this guidance, it feels incomplete and challenging to face the day. Do you have a morning routine that serves as your guide for the day?  I’ll share what I listened to, which coincidentally aligned with the reminders from yesterday and will influence my decisions today.

Last night, I was supposed to declutter and organize my belongings, something I’ve been putting off for days. During the pandemic, stuck at home and feeling bored, I found myself indulging in online shops, not excessively or expensively. However, it accumulated over time. Compounded by my habit before the pandemic when I was still running a business, due to excessive stress and fatigue most of the time, going to mall was my outlet and buying things out of stress, were my way of  releasing the feeling.

Last night, I struggled to let go of  my certain stuff, feeling weighed down, just like losing loved ones and needed to move on. I postponed the task, rationalizing it as heavy, though my intellect tells me it’s necessary to sell or donate to lessen the clutter. Similar dilemma of a friend , struggling with her new job, stressed by their coworkers’ attitudes, and contemplating resignation. But then what, will start from scratch, job hunting all over again. It’s a clash between emotions and rational thinking, sometimes we need to take the challenge to be able to grow and learn.

This morning, God’s guidance became evident amidst these confusions and weaknesses. It reminded me that in times like these, we need mental prayers to navigate our feelings versus our intellect. Sometimes, our emotions lead us astray, and we tend to favor them over what we should logically consider in a situation. My point is, day by day, we need prayers to prompt our right actions and transform our feelings to align with our rational thinking. Feelings can really be deceiving, almost like gossip. We’re tempted to talk about people we dislike to others because those are our feelings, the things we don’t like about them, but if we use our minds, on the other hand, we realize that the person we dislike for trivial reasons hasn’t really done anything wrong to us. So, this is where our thinking adjusts our feelings. We all need to have a mental prayer, seeking God’s guidance each day.




Your every heartbeat that speaks deep Love,
etched  with benevolence and real strength.
Incomparable, blessed, true gift from above,
patience is endless, to measure the length.


In celebration of International Women’s day, this is to recognize all women as pillars of strength for their families, communities and country. May God bless each of one of us, as we continue to serve as the “light.”



In the realm of ordinary, I dwell, no tales of joy, no victories to tell. Just pain and failures, my constant plight, no unique routines in my daily light.

No grand adventures, no feats to boast, in the sea of mundanity, I am but a ghost. No remarkable stories, no fame to claim, just the echoes of sorrow, my silent name.

In the whispers of the wind, I fade, a forgotten soul, in the shadows, laid. No significance, no importance, I see, just a hollow vessel, without destiny.

In the tapestry of life, I’m but a thread, unnoticed, unseen, as the world spreads. No value, no worth, in anyone’s sight, just a fleeting moment, lost in the night.

In there, in the realm so high, you soar with grace, touching the sky. While down here, in the earth’s embrace, I stand humbly, in a quieter space.

You reside in the lofty heights, While I linger beneath in earthly sights. You are up there as I see , I am down here  below lost in the shadow.  For you I am worthless.



Proactive or Reactive

Are you proactive or reactive?  When problems or issues arise, do you focus on the cause or the details of the situation? Do you get angry or annoyed, blaming others, ranting immediately, or do you stay calm, looking at the issue as a whole, dissecting it, searching for solutions to solve ?

In our daily lives, many events or incidents sometimes cause stress or loss of motivation. We tend to get angry quickly, annoyed, reacting with should haves and could haves. Isn’t it better to seek solutions, think, and try to stay calm?

Looking back when I used to handle a family food business in a mall, I had workers to manage who worked shift hours. Due to  different personalities and work styles, there were often misunderstandings that led to arguments. As the owner, I couldn’t avoid feeling stressed and annoyed. I would investigate to see who was at fault, normally, this is the first thing anyone will do. Ensuring fair and effective resolution of every issue among my workers, prioritizing solutions, was always my focus. I always aimed to keep a peaceful workplace and help the business thrive. I always tell them, whether it’s work-related or personal issues, they should remember to stay calm. Seeking a solution should always be the approach. Hoping that wherever they are now, living their own lives, they carry all my advice with them, whether it’s regarding themselves, family issues, or other relationships. Seek solutions that helps peace of mind and lighten the burden.




I got a beautiful quote from a character in a Netflix series “Snowpiercer”( still in the process of finishing the series ❤️).


What does this mean?  People who are held back by their past experiences and memories often find it difficult to move forward, whereas those who are strongest are able to use their past as a source of motivation to drive themselves forward. Whenever we had dark experiences from the past, like for instance a tragedy , something that wounds us to the core. This compels us to experience a sense of despair, we find ourselves trapped in a pit. But if we possess the strength to confront our past experiences, advancing forward becomes much simpler.

During the first phase of the pandemic, many perished unexpectedly, losing children, siblings, or even parents just like that. It was extremely difficult, with no certainty in anything. Businesses and jobs were lost. Everyone was stressed. Some of us still carry what happened, the loved ones we’ve lost. When we think about it, we feel weak, questioning what more there is to continue for when they’re no longer here. We must remain resilient, cling to our faith in God, and continue pressing forward.

Just as I did when we lost our youngest , we fought tirelessly to extend his life, never ceasing in our quest for a cure for his illness. I even sought help from a hospital in the US specializing in rare disease. Very grateful for this doctor in that hospital who didn’t hesitate to help, whenever I needed some answers, he was there, assisting and to those friends I’ve met, they know who they are, who helped me, I could gain access to the information I needed. Still, despite our efforts, we still lost our youngest in the end, God  truly knows; His will always prevails for good. Nevertheless, we accepted it and found the strength to move forward. I continue to push forward, living a normal life despite the deep scars of our past. Though it occasionally haunts me, us- I constantly remind myself of the importance of cherishing life.

The weakest are those who suffer from memories , the strongest  carry the past like fuel to ignite  a path forward.” -Snowpiercer



Photo credit: by Alfo Medeiros: https://www.pexels.com/photo/lighted-torch-in-close-up-shot-13169561/


Silence and Boundaries

In our busy lives, we sometimes overlook the deep wisdom found in quiet moments. Silence and setting boundaries ..it isn’t just about not talking; it is a refuge in solitude, finding peace in being alone and establishing clear limits on what behavior, actions, or demands are acceptable or unacceptable.

I started realizing the importance of this things because of how relationships go up and down. I saw that without clear limits, the balance between giving and getting could get messed up easily. Figuring out how to tell others about my needs and limits became really important for building good connections and protecting my mental and emotional well-being.

Imagine a scenario where the constant chatter around us demands immediate responses, sharing details about their daily activities and locations. (Endless storytelling eventually leads to discussions that should not be talked about) this whirlwind of voices, setting boundaries becomes a challenge. However, in the tranquility of silence, boundaries find their voice. It’s a space where we can reflect on our needs and limits without the pressure of instant reactions. This is not about creating walls; it’s about establishing a healthy rhythm in our interactions, what aligns with our values, and when it’s appropriate to say ‘no.’ It is in the quiet strength of unspoken limits that we assert our autonomy and safeguard our well-being. Silence and setting boundaries becomes a language of its own, conveying a message of respect for oneself and others. It’s a gentle reminder that not every question deserves an immediate answer, and not every moment requires constant conversation.

Embracing silence and setting boundaries is not a withdrawal from the world but a conscious choice to create a space where our needs are acknowledged, our values are upheld, and our well-being is prioritized.

If you know someone who is quiet, keeps a distance, and seems to understand, they might be setting boundaries, let’s respect them.




What does HOME mean to you? What’s your perspective on it? Is home defined by where you were born, raised, educated, completed studies, had your first job, and started a family? It serves as the foundation for all of us.

Twenty years ago, my family relocated to another city-Manila. The process was swift, emotionally unprepared, and I struggled to adapt to a life different from what I was accustomed to. Adjusting to the new environment, people, and community was challenging, but I faced it head-on. Over time, I became accustomed to the lifestyle, overcoming obstacles and embracing independence. Although I miss the support system of my hometown, I’ve learned to live on my own/ on our own. I’ve challenged myself, tried new things, and am grateful for the lessons learned here. Indeed, my outlook and perspective on things have transformed here and shaped me. I’ve grown to appreciate and love where I am now.

Yet, ponder the prospect that God may have an alternate plan, a unique purpose guiding me back to the place I called home 20 years ago. Another new challenges for which I may not be ready again? Individuals evolve, circumstances shift, and you’re uncertain about what awaits you in your old familiar places or who those once-familiar faces have become. I might be exaggerating or overanalyzing. Thinking about all of this brings tears to my eyes if I leave the place rather its about time to go from where I learned and survived.

From my standpoint, home is where I gained independence , navigated survival and witnessed the authentic reality of life. If given the choice, I would choose to live till my last breath, where my real strength emerged, where I developed as an individual, the place where I gained the knowledge to thrive in challenging situations. Ultimately, God’s plan prevails, and His purpose, though unseen, is undoubtedly good. Yielding to His divine plan, allowing it to lead me to the place where my heart finds its true home, we’ll see. Now, I grasp the profound meaning in the song “Manila Manila” by Hotdogs, despite the noise, heavy traffic, and crowds. Well, expensive to live, you’ve grown to love the place. Life here teaches you something different; it teaches you survival. It’s a kind of home that will be forever engraved in your heart.



The Symbiotic Dance of Self-Care and Forgiveness

In the intricate tapestry of personal growth, I’ve come to recognize a profound dance between self-care and forgiveness, a symbiotic relationship that weaves resilience, emotional healing, and a tapestry of well-being.

Within every family or any relationship, chaos prevails, misunderstandings arise, and clashes of pride are inevitable. One might express, another might rectify, yet ultimately, it is communication that intertwines the threads of hurt and pain. Can we address internal conflicts through venting or expressing grievances? Allowing space and time with prayers helps and collaborate harmoniously. Navigating this complexity is no simple feat. As humans, we inherently justify our beliefs, often insisting on our opinions. We truly need guidance, a need to actively listen, to genuinely feel, and to deeply understand each other, our hearts and mind should collaborate and exist in harmony.

Reflect upon this as query to dwell upon. Is it correct to perceive forgiveness as a facet of self-care in your perspective? Are there individuals whom you have not forgiven, perhaps for specific reasons? Have you navigated the journey of forgiveness for those who have brought about considerable turmoil? and distress in your life?

Perhaps now is the moment to pause, reflect, and contemplate the transformative potential of forgiveness . Certainly, this embodies authentic self-care—easing the burdensome load and welcoming a serene peace into your life. I am offering insights based on my own experiences and reflections.



Aging Well

I’d like to delve into the subject of AGING (ouch 😅) drawing from recent experiences in conversations and observing how some people respond to straightforward statements. Does it have a connection to one’s age? Hmmm… maybe I’m just too sensitive, as they say, observant.

AGING WELL-Thriving in aging—an uncomplicated phrase with profound and expansive implications.

Exploring the intricacies of aging: its impact on emotions, character, attitude, and perspective; the evolving personality and changing dynamics in relationships.
My questions to you –
* Does aging influence you positively or negatively?
* How does the aging process influence your mood, emotions, and thought patterns?
* Have you reflected on the changes between your past self and who you are now?
*Have you reevaluated your approach toward yourself and others?

Aging manifests on both physical and mental fronts. Allow me to share my perspective, they might provide a more profound insight and prove beneficial.

What does aging well entail? It encompasses two facets. Aging well mentally and physically. I’ll begin with the mental aspect briefly, understanding mental aging and how can we attain it. Aging mentally involves maintaining cognitive well-being as we grow older. This involves keeping the mind active with activities like reading and learning. Stay socially connected to combat loneliness (I’m guilty) maintain a positive outlook, and manage stress. Embracing new experiences and being adaptable contribute to a mentally fulfilling and resilient aging journey. How does this impact the aging process? Well, over time, these maintain a healthy mindset as we age.

Let’s dive into aging well “physically” This involves a multifaceted approach that addresses various aspects of health. Regular exercise, balance nutrition, quality sleep, hydration, mind body practices and preventive healthcare. We all carry a measure of guilt regarding these, so am I but we should try. Incorporating essential practices for aging well mentally and physically is a must. Making sure to take care of our mental and physical well-being as we age is crucial. It not only improves our outlook on life but also shapes our character positively. Let’s remember also to nurture our spiritual well-being; it holds significant influence as well 😊

Let’s age gracefully!
*Control our temper
*Stretch our patience
*Understand more

Embracing the new year with the grace of seasoned years, here’s to aging well and writing more beautiful chapters ahead.⚘️

🙏 God bless



Coping With Overhelming Days: Finding Calm Amidst Chaos-

Life can be tumultuous, and there are days when the world seems to conspire against us. The noise and chaos in our environment, coupled with personal challenges and unmet responsibilities, can leave us feeling overwhelmed. It’s during such times that we need to find ways to regain our composure, as it’s all too easy to let a bad day snowball into something more significant. We must reflect and learn in how to cope with overwhelming days.

Allow me to recount one challenging day I experienced. Once, I woke up to the sound of conversations about this family dispute and their arguments, while this family dispute doesn’t directly involve us, it does have an impact as it absorbs negativity. The burden of this situation can indeed have implications for one’s mental health, listening to such disputes have an impact, what we truly desire is simply peace, every single day. Moreover, within my obligations that day, I had this urgent text, requiring immediate attention and I couldn’t help but to worry. Additionallly , another very important thing which urgently needed to complete within the day. However, as the day unfolded, it became apparent that nothing significant actually occurred.

Overwhelming days are a part of life, and while they may seem insurmountable at times, it’s essential to remember that they are temporary. By recognizing our feelings, practicing mindfulness, and taking practical steps to regain control, we can effectively cope with the challenges of a bad day. These experiences can teach us resilience and the importance of self-care, ultimately helping us face future obstacles with greater strength and composure. Certainly, it is important to turn to prayer 🙏 whenever we experience overwhelming emotions ; pray for the people, for ourselves and the situation that involves.





In the vast abyss of darkness,
She find solace, where shadows dance, secrets find their place.

A loneliness and sorrow hid between the images’ face, in a loud screaming silence, a story to retrace.

Her dreams, distant, beyond earth’s reach they lie, she merely glimpse them from a distant light.

In solitude with music, matching its melody and rhythm, her divine. In heeding her heart’s words, she is fine.

You’ll discern her inner thoughts by gazing into her eyes. Her dreams stretch as vast as the skies.

Will someone reach out to clasp her hand, sense the yearning, feel the rain. Perhaps we will understand the depth of her dreams and pain.


Photo by luizclas/Pexels


The Sunrise Repast (My profound love and existence)

In a world of contrast, where colors collide. Differences entwine, side by side. Opposite souls, they somehow find, a harmony rare, the heart does bind.

Like puzzle pieces, they fit just right. In the tapestry of day and night, two worlds merging, becoming one. In the dance of life, their love has begun.

Through the storms and the gentle breeze. They navigate life’s unpredictable seas. Hand in hand, they conquer it all. Differences united, they stand tall.

Soulmates forged in the fires of fate, In love’s embrace, they celebrate. For when differences collide and combine, two souls as one, forever entwined.


Amidst the ordinary sights, narratives and significance frequently unveil 😉 my breakfast today by the way ❤️


In The Tranquil Embrace of God’s Peace

In the hustle and bustle of today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of tranquility and inner peace has become a precious endeavor. Many individuals seek solace in various avenues, but one powerful and enduring way is by connecting with God through solitude.

Back in 2013 when we lost our little boy, we maintained a ritual, which I often refer to as a practice, of attending the Holy Eucharist every early Sunday at a Catholic Convent. The Carmel of Thérèse of Lisieux, I developed an affection for the stillness of this location, where it seems as though you’re in the presence of God every time you visit, sensing the possibility of healing within reach, calming the inner turmoil. During our most profound agony, we sought solace to alleviate the pain.

Amidst the pandemic, we found ourselves enveloped by fears and concerns that gave rise to anxiety. Personally, I went through the challenges and turmoil of anxiety. It proved to be quite a challenge, most churches were closed but fortunately, we discovered one church where we could visit, seek solace, embrace the quiet, and find respite for a brief period and I managed to handle my fears and worries.

In a world characterized by constant noise and distractions, the practice of finding peace alone with God holds immense significance. Through solitude, individuals can tap into the depths of their spiritual selves, fostering self-discovery, a deeper connection with God, and lasting inner peace. This journey towards finding solace in divine communion brings forth personal transformation, spiritual growth, and a renewed perspective on life’s challenges. As individuals continue to seek moments of solitude with their Creator, they embark on a path that leads to a harmonious and fulfilling existence.

Amid life’s noise, a tranquil retreat,
Alone with God, where solace meets.
A sacred hush, a soothing grace,
In His presence, I find my place.

A quiet realm, where worries cease,
God’s gentle peace, a sweet release.
Through whispered prayers, my soul’s aligned
In solitude, His love I find.

No need for words, just still embrace,
His calming touch, my heart’s own space.
The chaos fades,
His light shines through,
Alone with God, my spirit renews.


His peace enwraps my weary heart.
Through every trial, every lease,
His presence brings a lasting peace.

In whispered winds and rustling leaves,
His whispers soft, my soul receives.
A sacred dance, a silent song,
In solitude, I truly belong.


Photo credit to: https://www.pexels.com/@shvetsa/

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Control and let go …

Have you ever experienced a profound sense of disappointment in your life, where you wished that things had turned out differently or should have been a certain way? How did you confront the disappointment or what actions did you take in response to it?

Life is a complex tapestry of events, circumstances, and relationships, often filled with unpredictability and challenges. In the face of such complexity, it is easy to feel overwhelmed, helpless, and consumed by the things we cannot control. However, within this intricate web, there exists a liberating truth: the power to focus on what we can control and let go of what we cannot.

The human mind is naturally inclined to seek control and stability. We strive to mold our lives according to our desires and expectations, yearning for certainty and predictability. Yet, as life unfolds, we inevitably encounter situations and factors that lie beyond our reach. It is during these times that our ability to differentiate between what is within our control and what is not becomes crucial.

Focusing on what we can control is a powerful mindset that empowers us to shape our own lives. We have agency over our thoughts, attitudes, and actions. We can choose to cultivate positive thinking, develop healthy habits, and act in ways that align with our values. By directing our energy towards these controllable aspects, we create a ripple effect that can transform our lives and the lives of those around us. At the same time, it is essential to recognize and accept the existence of factors beyond our control. External circumstances, the actions of others, and unforeseen events often fall outside the realm of our influence. The weather may not cooperate with our plans, people may behave differently from our expectations, and global events may unfold in ways we cannot predict. By acknowledging these realities, we free ourselves from the burden of trying to manipulate outcomes that are simply not ours to determine.

Letting go of what we cannot control is not a sign of weakness or resignation; rather, it is an act of wisdom and self-preservation. It liberates us from the shackles of frustration, anxiety, and stress. It allows us to redirect our attention and energy towards what truly matters—the things we can influence and shape. By releasing our attachment to outcomes, we create space for acceptance, resilience, and inner peace. Cultivating this mindset requires conscious effort and practice. It involves developing self-awareness and recognizing when we are holding onto things beyond our control. It requires us to shift our focus from worrying about the uncontrollable to taking proactive steps towards the things we can influence. It demands patience and the willingness to surrender the need for constant certainty.

One valuable tool in this journey is the practice of mindfulness. By cultivating present-moment awareness and non-judgmental observation of our thoughts and emotions, we can detach ourselves from unhelpful narratives and break free from the grip of the uncontrollable. Mindfulness allows us to stay grounded in the present, appreciating the beauty and opportunities that surround us, rather than being consumed by concerns about the future or regrets about the past.

Ultimately, focusing on what we can control and letting go of what we can’t is a transformative approach to life. It empowers us to take charge of our own happiness, success, and well-being. It liberates us from the weight of trying to control the uncontrollable, freeing up mental and emotional space for growth and personal development. By embracing this mindset, we navigate life’s uncertainties with grace, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose.


Your soul …

As we grow older, we start to become more aware of the world around us and our place in it. We begin to realize that our lives are not just about ourselves, but also about the impact we can make on others. We want to make a difference, to leave a positive mark on the world, and to help others in different ways. I opt to create articles that have the potential to create an impact, rooted in my personal beliefs and values.

No one’s life is perfect, neither my life, I make mistakes, I get upset even over small things, I get irritated, I sometimes explode. We all make mistakes, face challenges, and struggle with our own personal demons. However, it’s our response to these imperfections that truly defines us. We can choose to learn from our mistakes and grow from them, or we can let them consume us and hold us back. Our imperfections do not define us, but how we respond to them does.

My motivation for creating some impactful articles or poem is not driven by external validation or recognition. Rather, I am driven by my desire to share my emotions, what I have learned and realized. I understand that life is short, and I want to make the most of my time by contributing something meaningful to the world and to the people around me.

Making a difference in someone else’s life is an ongoing process, and we must be willing to learn from our mistakes, grow from our imperfections, and continue to act according to what we believe.

My soul feels alive when I make small contributions that have the potential to make a positive impact. How about you? What brings your soul to life?



Friends from Afar …

Friendships are essential components of human relationships. They are the support systems that make life bearable, enjoyable, and fulfilling. However, with the current trend of people moving away from their hometowns to pursue better opportunities or for other reasons, maintaining friendships has become challenging, particularly if the friends are now living in different cities.

It is a common occurrence that once people move away from their hometowns, their friendships start to drift apart. It is not that the friends no longer care for each other, but distance makes it hard to sustain the bond. The once-shared experiences and inside jokes begin to fade, and new experiences take their place. As a result, friends find themselves struggling to connect.

The situation is made even worse by the fact that as people get older, they tend to grow and change in different ways. One friend may take a different career path, while the other may start a family. These changes bring new challenges and responsibilities that take up time and energy, making it hard to keep in touch as often as they used to.

Another factor that contributes to the drift in friendships is the growth of the individuals involved. As people mature, they tend to outgrow some things that they used to enjoy, including some friendships. They may develop new interests and find themselves in new circles, making it harder to maintain the old relationships. This does not mean that they do not care about their old friends, but rather that their priorities and values have shifted.

When friendships start to drift apart, it is common for one party to become aloof. They may not respond to messages or calls as promptly as they used to, and when they do, the conversation may be brief and superficial. This behavior is often an indication that they have moved on and are no longer interested in the friendship. It is important to respect this and not force the issue.

Online communication tools such as social media, messaging apps, and video calls have made it easier to keep in touch with friends who live in different cities. However, these tools do not necessarily make friendships grow. They can help to maintain the bond, but they cannot replace the value of spending time with friends in person. Online communication lacks the intimacy, shared experiences, and human connection that come with physical interaction.

In conclusion, maintaining friendships can be challenging when friends live in different cities. The distance, changes in life circumstances, and personal growth can cause the relationship to drift apart. While online communication can help to maintain the bond, it cannot replace the value of physical interaction. It is essential to respect the changes that occur and not force the issue when a friendship is no longer working.


Heart in hiding …

The tears that fall, like a steady rain, Masking the hurt, the fear and the pain, the longing inside, too deep to explain,
…. my heart in hiding, a prisoner of shame.

I yearn to break free, to take a chance, but the fear inside, like a deadly dance, a constant battle, between heart and mind,
…. my heart in hiding, a love undefined.

The darkness surrounds me, like a cloak of despair, but still, I long for someone to share, the beauty inside, the love that I hold,
…..my heart in hiding, a story untold.

I reach for the light, but it slips through my grasp, the pain and the hurt, a weight that will last, the hope that I cling to, a flicker of flame,
…..my heart in hiding, still searching for the same.

One day, I know, I’ll find the key, to unlock the chains, and finally be free, to show the world, the love that I hold,
….my heart no longer in hiding, a story now told.



Satisfy your soul …

In today’s world, there is a constant pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations. We are bombarded with images and messages that tell us how we should look, act, and think, leaving little room for individuality and personal expression. But is conforming to society’s standards truly fulfilling? Or are we neglecting our own needs and desires in the pursuit of acceptance?

It’s time to shift our focus from satisfying society to satisfying our souls. We are all unique individuals with different passions, goals, and aspirations. It’s important to embrace these differences and pursue what truly makes us happy, rather than trying to fit into a mold that doesn’t align with who we are.

When we prioritize our own happiness and well-being, we not only feel more fulfilled, but we also inspire others to do the same. When we see someone living authentically and following their passions, it gives us permission to do the same. We begin to realize that there is no one “right” way to live, and that we are all free to create our own paths.

Of course, it’s not always easy to break free from societal expectations. We may fear rejection or judgment from others if we don’t conform to their standards. However, it’s important to remember that true acceptance and belonging come from within. When we are true to ourselves, we attract people who accept us for who we are, rather than who we are trying to be.

It’s also important to recognize that societal norms and expectations are constantly evolving. What was once considered “normal” or “acceptable” may no longer be relevant or desirable. By staying true to ourselves and pursuing what makes us happy, we are not only satisfying our own souls but also contributing to the evolution of society.

So how can we start prioritizing our own happiness and well-being over societal expectations?

• Get clear on our values and priorities. What is truly important to you? What brings us joy and fulfillment? Take the time to reflect on these questions.

• Practice self-care. Taking care of ourselves is essential for our overall well-being. Make time for activities that nourish your body, mind, and soul, such as exercise, meditation, reading, or spending time in nature.

• Surround ourselves with supportive people. Seek out relationships with people who accept and support us for who we are, rather than who we are trying to be. These relationships will help us stay true to ourselves and inspire us to pursue our passions.

• Take small steps towards our goals. Pursuing our passions can be daunting, but taking small steps can help build momentum and confidence. Start by setting small, achievable goals that align with your values and priorities.

In conclusion, it’s time to shift our focus from satisfying society to satisfying our souls. When we prioritize our own happiness and well-being, we not only feel more fulfilled but also inspire others to do the same. By staying true to ourselves and pursuing our passions, we contribute to the evolution of society and create a more authentic, accepting, and fulfilling world.


Closing doors …

We’ve all heard the saying, “When one door closes, another one opens.” But what about when it comes to closing doors ourselves? Sometimes, it’s important to close doors to protect ourselves from things that are not meant for us. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of closing doors as a form of self-protection and why it’s essential to know when and how to do it.

First and foremost, let’s discuss what we mean by “things not meant for us.” This could refer to anything from toxic relationships to job opportunities that don’t align with our values. We’ve all encountered situations that didn’t feel quite right or left us feeling drained and unhappy. These are the things that are not meant for us, and closing the door on them is necessary for our well-being.

So, how do we know when it’s time to close the door? The answer is different for everyone, but there are a few common signs to look out for. If a situation is causing you constant stress, anxiety, or negative emotions, it’s a good indicator that it’s not meant for you. Similarly, if you find yourself compromising your values or beliefs to maintain the situation, it’s time to reassess whether it’s worth keeping the door open.

Closing doors can be difficult, especially if we’re afraid of the unknown or worried about hurting others’ feelings. However, it’s important to remember that protecting ourselves is not selfish. It’s necessary for our mental and emotional well-being, and ultimately, it allows us to be better for ourselves and those around us. Closing a door is not an act of aggression or rejection; it’s simply a decision to prioritize our own needs and values.

So, how do we close doors effectively? The first step is to be clear about why you’re closing the door and what you hope to gain from it. Are you looking to create more space in your life for something new? Are you prioritizing your mental health and need to remove a source of stress? Whatever your reason, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your motivation.

Once you’ve established your reasoning, it’s time to communicate it effectively. If you’re ending a relationship or leaving a job, for example, it’s important to be honest and direct while still being respectful and compassionate. Remember, the goal is not to hurt anyone but rather to prioritize your well-being.

Finally, it’s important to acknowledge that closing doors can be challenging and emotional. It’s okay to feel sadness or grief when letting go of something, even if it wasn’t meant for you. Allow yourself to feel these emotions, but also remember that they will pass, and you will move forward.

In conclusion, closing doors is an essential part of self-protection. By recognizing when things are not meant for us and making the decision to close the door, we can prioritize our well-being and create space for things that align with our values and goals. It’s not always easy, but it’s necessary, and ultimately, it allows us to live our lives authentically and with purpose.


Her War

Dark drifting clouds, distant sounds echoing, shadows lurking, silence was screaming, her heart was pounding.

Masking and hiding from burning pain memories, haunts, repeats and profusely colliding.

Nobody knows, no one cares, she chose not to be seen, fading into the background was her peace in between.

Her every day was a battle, confusions and deceptions were inevitable. Which road leads to answers. These are facts and inseparable.

What would be her armor of choice be? ..not to fight or fight the war within. Chasing God during tough times and keeping the faith and win.


Mental health should be taken seriously. Encouraging an individual, reaching out by listening with understanding and empathy, it can make a difference.

Image by: https://www.pexels.com/@ekrulila/


Where’s the old smile gone…

Used to be with simple things,
Watching the sun breaks and rises into day,
Staring at the moon that glows in its own way..

She never carries the loneliness she never had,
She reached out what’s pure, never thought of being sad,

Simple words and to listen were all she knew,
To be a shadow among the few.

She never imagined a picture fades over years
Or even a path lost in the middle of a maze.

Just a pen, a note, a song and a laugh
Nothing would ever go rough.

She looked over happiness as love within its reach,
She held hope as a dream and a wish.

But never expected the pain as big waves lash the shore,
All she wanted was to be loved, nothing more..

Still lost things at the end, time then was never been a friend
Yet she tried her best to mend, to pick up all the pieces but then

Season change, so as with her,
Tears may soon pass, she believed and from there,

She wanted to be remembered,
Not with the lost smile once she had,
But the old smile she once shared .

Nodz ~


Remember This Day


Voices starting to get unheard, we mourn,
selfishness and abuse of power manipulate and control.

Personal motives furnish with thorny scales,
pointed sharp spikes beneath the hearts and minds

Difficult to comprehend, the world must know,
this wall of raging flame between justice and fairness

Such power, not anyone could fight, fear rules,
All are helpless, cannot even defend one’s position

Rights and freedom ended, mark this day, be prepared,
 God says “Vengeance is mine I will repay”



I am grieving to what’s happening in our country today, our government shut down our largest TV Network, ABS-CBN, rejecting the license renewal. My bitter heart goes out to all thousand employees who will gonna lose jobs in the midst of pandemic crisis. God sees and hears. I am praying for people behind, they will be enlightened. Just heartless...


Dark Valley


Passing through a very deep dark valley,
walking barefoot along the lonely alley.
No lights, everything drenched in rain,
grieving heart screams in real pain.
Lost, seems there’s no God to look upon,
no arms to hold, lie awake till dawn.
Can’t quite  figure out why it’s happening
minds keep wandering, doubts aching.
No exact words to describe what’s inside
eyes will tell, we all need God’s light.


My heart cries for what is happening today,  I am praying for everyone. Let there be light, heal the world dear God.



A very tiny sound that roars, often in a loud silence,

like bubbles in wind, floats but then it may disappear.

An inner strength we need to dig down, find and keep

A God’s gift we must use, for battles He equipped us.

Blood may shed, we’ll scream in tears but never to quit,

lead us to faith, His unseen hands will shape our fate.




This is for a very dear friend, who’s fighting a hard battle with breast cancer. I can feel her deep pain and struggle and I feel so sorry for her. I truly believe in the midst of our every storm, God watches and has the great power to calm it. My prayer, a continuous strength for her to keep fighting. I am humbly asking for your prayers too,  her name is Lariza. Thank you so much… ~Nodz





Your wind here soothes me
Calms my aching heart and mind
You cleanse my being



Gloomy Friday with my cup of coffee, as I could hear the wind playing its own music, its a perfect time for me to write, get in touch with my  emotions and… continue my Udemy course online!   time spend alone can be some of the most productive time in our lives “I believe”… 



My Little Space


Missing you my little space, where my heart and thoughts collide,
Thinking If I can still write, please let me, even just a single line.

Sorry I detached myself then, shut my door, kept things under wrap,
Telling you,”I am fine”, putting my feelings safe, tightly strapped.

I thought I could leave, I was wrong, begging you, let me write more,
I can hear now, down inside this lost soul, a tiny voice starting to roar.





Your every heartbeat that speaks deep Love,
etched  with benevolence and real strength.
Incomparable, blessed, true gift from above,
patience is endless, to measure the length.


In celebration of International Women’s day, this is to recognize all women as pillars of strength for their families, communities and country. May God bless each of one of us, as we continue to serve as the “light.”


My Prayer…

Fierce hearts and the floating bitterness,
pain was immense, my soul is deeply crying.
Calm every fears, soothe our weariness,
the world is chained by fire, we are all dying.

Praying to you God, I indeed seen heartaches,
where is peace hiding, where is your light?
Hear our voices, sorrows we can no longer take,
give us “YOUR” strength, to continue our fight.




Shutting my eyes, sensing the melancholic stillness gripping the place,
I could hear silence and this thought starts racing to nothing.
I am thinking what the Heaven looks like, to feel an angel’s embrace,
let me hear the sound of the golden trumpet and the bells ringing.

As the wind flows through my veins, this sorrow marches out of the way,
there’s a spark of hope, I feel a river moving in my soul, a relief.
His wisdom speaks, a gentle voice that says, be calm, don’t be dismayed.
A rare quiet moment alone, thanking ABOVE, it eases the pain and grief.



Taken from our place *hometown (personally captured) last March it’s a mountain resort, such a beautiful place to visit, so refreshing, I sat there for hours and just savored the moment alone…